Payment Method
Due to the Change Healthcare cybersecurity incident in February, Magellan is currently paying claims via paper checks.
To protect provider data, Magellan Healthcare (Magellan) disconnected system access to and from Change Healthcare (Change), a software and data analytics subsidiary of United Health Group and a Magellan vendor, following a February 2024 cybersecurity incident that impacted Change’s network and operations nationwide. Our disconnection from Change Healthcare continues to have the following impacts:
- Providers cannot use Change Healthcare as a clearinghouse for claim submission to Magellan.
- Magellan halted all provider claims payments via electronic funds transfer (EFT), paper checks and virtual credit cards through ECHO Health, Inc. (ECHO), a Change Healthcare subsidiary.
Alternative claim submission options remain connected – Availity Essentials portal, electronic data interchange (EDI direct submit), other clearinghouses (e.g., Veradigm Payerpath, Availity, Trizetto Provider Solutions and Office Ally) and postal mail.
To ensure providers are paid timely and accurately, when Magellan begins managing the Idaho Behavioral Health Plan on July 1, 2024, claims will be paid via paper check.
Checks will be sent via U.S. mail for services rendered beginning July 1, 2024.
This is a temporary solution. Change has committed to signing an attestation to assure payers that its systems are safe and secure. Out of an abundance of caution, Magellan will not re-establish processes with Change until we receive this attestation. When we receive it and are confident our systems and your data will be safe, we will update you with our plan and timing for restoring EFT, paper check and virtual credit card payments through ECHO.
Where will Magellan send the paper checks?
We will mail checks and explanation of payment (EOP) to the address of your choice; however, we will default to the financial address on your W-9 Form. If you have already submitted a W-9 and want your checks to go to a different address, you will have the opportunity to update your financial address electronically in the weeks leading up to July 1. On June 19, we sent an email notice outlining the process to update your address. Review this instruction sheet on how to access Magellan's Provider Data Change Form and submit your address change.
When will Magellan offer electronic payments?
Our top priority is to ensure the security of all connections and provider data before reinstating EFT through ECHO. You will be notified directly when electronic payment options become available, and we will post the information on this web page.
How will Magellan share updates?
We will send notifications to your email address and will share information on this web page. If you have additional questions, please contact us at
Magellan is committed to preserving the continuity of care for our members while seeking to reduce the disruption on our providers. We look forward to collaborating with you to bring quality services to Idahoans.