Care Management

Magellan is here to help you get the care you need. Our approach includes education about mental health and substance use concerns. We can also help you if you begin to have mental health or substance use disorder symptoms. This can help keep symptoms from getting worse. If you are in a hospital or facility, we will help you get ready for a lower level of care.

What is Care Management?

Care Management is the system of medical and psychosocial management including, but not limited to:

  • Utilization management
  • Care coordination
  • Discharge planning following restrictive levels of care
  • Continuity of care
  • Care transitions
  • Quality management
  • Service verification

Care management includes outcome-focused, strength-based, and non-judgmental activities. It helps you and your family by locating, accessing, coordinating, and monitoring mental health, physical health, and social services.

Care Management also includes other services and supports that can help meet your basic human needs, such as advocacy, information, and resources. Care Management can ensure you get the right services from the right places and prevent you from getting duplicate or unnecessary services. Care Management services can empower you to manage your behavioral health and change and improve your life.

Some care management services are covered by the Idaho Behavioral Health Plan and delivered by network providers. Other services are provided by Magellan staff.


Good behavioral health begins with understanding mental health and substance use disorders. You can learn about these conditions and how to help yourself in the Mental Health and Substance Use sections of this website. If you think you have symptoms of a mental health or substance use disorder, see a Magellan network provider. You can also call Magellan at 1-855-202-0973 (TTY 711). See the Adult Covered Services, Youth Covered Services and How to Get Care sections of this website for more information.

Care Coordination

Care Coordination is available to all IBHP members with mental health or substance use concerns. Care Coordination is provided by trained Magellan Care Coordinators. They will:

  • Help you get the right assessments
  • Link you to services and supports
  • Help you navigate behavioral healthcare in Idaho

If assessments or diagnoses show your needs are more complex, you may be eligible for Case Management or Intensive Care Coordination, described below.

Case Management

Case Management is available to all IBHP members with a mental health and/or substance use disorder diagnosis. It is a covered benefit delivered by Magellan network providers. Case Management is an outcome-focused, strengths-based, collaborative process. The provider assesses, plans, links, coordinates, and monitors options and services that address your needs and strengths.

Case Managers will:

  • Work with you to assess your needs
  • Help you learn about, gain, and maintain access to services and providers
  • Work with you and your care team to develop a Case Management plan
  • Ensure that you participate in activities that support you in meeting goals
  • Help you learn to access services and resources independently

Intensive Care Coordination

Intensive Care Coordination is available to all members with a mental health and/or substance use disorder diagnosis who meet certain criteria based on assessments. You can refer yourself to be assessed for Intensive Care Coordination. Your family member, a community member, or your provider can also refer you. If you do not meet the criteria, you may be eligible for Case Management, or you can get regular Care Coordination, as described above.

Intensive Care Coordinators (ICCs) are healthcare professionals who:

  • Listen to you and take the time to understand your needs
  • Answer questions about your health and benefits
  • Help you make a coordinated care plan to reach your goals
  • Help you find providers and services
  • Help coordinate your care
  • Connect you to community resources
  • Share helpful information with you

All Magellan Intensive Care Coordinators (ICCs) are licensed clinicians. Your ICC will help you build a team who can support you. This team can include family, friends, providers, or people from your school or community. You choose who you want on your team. You are at the center of the team and your needs always come first. Your team will help you develop a plan based on your desires and goals. They will also help you meet your goals.

When an ICC receives your referral, they will try to contact you within 5 business days from the referral date:

  • They will contact you/your parent or guardian by phone, mail, or fax, and/or
  • They will contact you indirectly through your doctor, therapist, or other member of your care team.

They will try to contact you/your parent or guardian, or a member of your care team, three (3) separate times within two (2) weeks, on different days, at different times

If you agree to participate in the intensive care coordination program, your ICC will:

  • Work with you to complete a comprehensive assessment within the first 30 days of your agreement to participate. This assessment must be completed within 60 days of your agreement to participate.
  • Collect clinical information from your care team, family members and other supportive people to develop a plan of care.
  • Contact you/your parent or guardian at least every 30 days
  • Work with a youth’s clinician to update the CANS at least every 90 days or more frequently if necessary

Intensive Care Coordination for Adults

Intensive Care Coordination is available for adults ages 18 and over with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) or Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) who are:

  • Transitioning from an acute psychiatric hospital or state hospital
  • In residential care, or
  • Involved in multiple systems related to their mental health needs

Adult Intensive Care Coordination is delivered by Magellan staff. You will work with the same Magellan Intensive Care Coordinator (ICC) as you work through treatment. They will develop a coordinated care plan with you and others you choose to help you. They or your primary behavioral health provider will facilitate team meetings that include you and/or your family, other providers, and others you choose to help you. The team meetings will ensure collaborative communication and decision-making across health and human service systems.

Intensive Care Coordination for Youth

Intensive Care Coordination is available for youth ages 17 and under who:

  • Have a CANS score that shows they need a higher level of care, or
  • Are getting care in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF), or
  • Are transitioning from out-of-home placement such as therapeutic foster care, an acute psychiatric hospital, or a PRTF, or
  • Are at risk of out-of-home placement, or
  • Are involved in multiple child-serving systems related to their mental health needs

Youth in Intensive Care Coordination have an Intensive Care Coordinator who works with them through treatment. The Intensive Care Coordinator coordinates multiple services that are delivered in a therapeutic manner. Your youth gets services in accordance with their changing needs and strengths. The Intensive Care Coordinator is also responsible for promoting integrated services, with links between child-serving agencies and programs. Services are accessed, coordinated, and delivered consistent with the YES Principles of Care and Practice Model.

Depending on the level of need and youth and family preferences, ICC services can be provided to youth by a Magellan YES Intensive Care Coordinator (YES ICC) or through the Idaho Wraparound Intensive Services (Idaho WInS) covered benefit by a Magellan network provider.

Idaho WInS is an evidence-based form of Intensive Care Coordination and Idaho’s High-Fidelity Wraparound model. It is a structured care coordination planning process. It follows very specific steps to help your youth and family identify and get the help you need. To learn more about Wraparound, visit The National Wraparound Initiative (NWI) website at To learn more about Idaho WInS, visit and watch the “What is Wraparound?” video.

Your youth’s behavioral health provider and Magellan will help you determine which program best meets your youth’s and family’s needs. Your youth can get ICC or Idaho WInS, but not both.

Care Transition Support

All IBHP members are eligible for care transition support when leaving a hospital or facility. A Magellan clinical team member will work with you and your providers to set up the right care and services for you before you are discharged. This will help ensure you keep getting the care you need.

Peer, Recovery, and Family Support

You can get Peer, Recovery and Family Support services through the following covered benefits if you have a mental health or substance use diagnosis. These services are delivered by Magellan network providers:

  • Adult Peer Support for mental health diagnoses, or co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnoses
  • Adult Recovery Coaching for substance use or co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnoses
  • Youth Support for Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), mental health diagnoses, or co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnoses
  • Family Support for parents or caregivers of youth with SED, mental health diagnoses, or co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnoses

For more information on these benefits, see the Covered Services section of this website.

Magellan Recovery and Family Support Navigators

Adults and families in Magellan’s Intensive Care Coordination program can get help from our Recovery Support Navigators and Family Support Navigators. These are Magellan team members who have lived experience.

Recovery Support Navigators (RSNs) are Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS) who help adults living with mental health and/or substance use concerns. These Navigators are Magellan employees. They are in recovery from mental health and/or substance use concerns and can understand what you are going through.

Family Support Navigators (FSNs) are Certified Family Support Partners (CFSP) who help parents and caregivers of youth and young adults living with mental health and/or substance use concerns. These Navigators are Magellan employees. They have experience caring for youth and/or young adults who live with mental health and/or substance use concerns.

All Navigators will:

  • Develop a support relationship with you/your family
  • Help you/your family find and access community resources
  • Help you/your family learn about and develop wellness goals and a plan to meet them
  • Help you/your family explore and build resilience to sustain your recovery