Continuing Education

Why Psych Hub? 

Magellan Healthcare of Idaho offers CEUs at no cost to our Idaho Behavioral Health Plan network providers through our partnership with Psych Hub. This collaboration provides you with access to evidence-based education and resources for your daily practice. The Psych Hub Professional Training Platform enables practitioners to transition from generalists to specialists by earning certificates in evidence-based interventions.

What is available on Psych Hub? 

Psych Hub’s catalog includes courses, short key concept videos, resources, and articles to support evidence-based practices. The content covers the most topical mental health subjects, providing comprehensive support for your professional development.

How do I know if I’m eligible for Psych Hub access at no cost?

Magellan Healthcare of Idaho behavioral health providers can access Psych Hub at no cost by accessing a unique link sent to you. Please request this link by emailing Note that if you sign up directly on Psych Hub’s website, you will be prompted to pay for an account, so be sure to use Magellan’s unique link! 

Direct questions regarding eligibility to 
Psych Hub cannot verify your Magellan provider status for eligibility.