Other Services for Youth

Transition to Independence for Youth ages 16 and up

If your youth is at least 16, they can participate in our Transition to Independence Program (TIP). With TIP, Magellan works with your youth, family, and CFT to develop a plan for the youth to become an independent adult. We will help them set and achieve short- and long-term goals. Goals can include, but are not limited to:

  • Successful transition to adult behavioral health services
  • Wellness and prevention self-care
  • Employment and education
  • Housing and community living
  • Life and self-management skills

Magellan will continue to support your youth as they transition to adult services. A Magellan Family Support Navigator can help you and your family as well, as you all prepare for the transition.

School-Based 504 or Special Education Services

If you think your youth may have a disability or need special help due to their SED, the Idaho State Department of Education has programs you should look into:

  • If your youth is below the age of three (3): Contact the Infant Toddler Program and tell them everything you can about your youth. You have the right to request an evaluation and have the Program consider any information that you provide related to your concerns about your youth. If you ask for an evaluation, case manager will help you through the process. They will either meet with you to determine which assessments are needed or provide a written explanation why they can or will not conduct an evaluation.

    The Infant Toddler Program can link your youth to services that help their physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. It can also support your family. If your youth is eligible, the Program will work with you to create an Individualized Family Service Program (IFSP). The IFSP will help your family support your youth's learning during daily routines. 

  • If your youth is aged three (3) through 21: Contact their school or school district and tell them everything you can about your youth. Tell them you think your youth may need accommodations and/or special instruction in school. You have the right to request an evaluation and have the district consider any information that you provide related to your concerns about your youth. Your district should have an assigned staff member who can help. They may be called a special education, 504, or special services director. If you ask for an evaluation, the district will help you through the process. They will either meet with you to determine what assessments need to be conducted or provide a written explanation justifying their refusal to conduct an evaluation.

If your youth is eligible for a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP), they will receive accommodations and/or special instruction. These will support access to the general education curriculum and peers at an appropriate level. The 504 or IEP team will determine the appropriate level. This team will include you or your young adult student. Be sure to tell Magellan about your youth’s 504 or IEP.

If your youth gets Medicaid, the district may be able to bill for certain services with your permission. If this is the case, the district will walk you through the process. Your youth’s services are never dependent on the district's ability to bill Medicaid. You can find more information about school-based Medicaid services at idahotc.com/Topics/SBM

Other help for Youth and Families

It can be hard to find the right help for your youth’s and family’s needs. Below are a few helpful resources:

  • Magellan Family Support Partner: This person is a Certified Family Support Partner (CFSP). CFSPs have experience with:
    • Raising a child with mental illness
    • Working with multiple child-serving systems
    • Helping the child develop resiliency needed for recovery

CFSPs offer hope and encouragement. They share their experience and knowledge. They will help you find resources that meet your needs.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Education for youth and families, classes on how to support a child with a mental health concern and help for college students. Visit namiidaho.org or your local NAMI affiliate:

NAMI Far North

Serving: Idaho panhandle

P.O. Box 2415

Sandpoint, ID 83864

Phone: 208-597-2047

Email: namifarnorth2003@gmail.com


NAMI Coeur d’Alene

Serving: Kootenai Valley

P.O. Box 1082

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816

Phone: 208-416-4718


NAMI Treasure Valley

Serving: Treasure Valley (Mountain Home to Ontario, OR)

P.O. Box 9492

Boise, ID 83707

Phone: 208-801-1609

Email: admin@tvnami.org


NAMI Wood River Valley

Serving: Hailey, Sun Valley, and Ketchum area

1050 Fox Acres Road

P.O. Box 95

Hailey, ID 83333

Phone: 208-481-0686

Email: info@namiwrv.org


NAMI Upper Valley Idaho

Serving: Bonneville, Bingham, Jefferson, Madison, Custer, Butte, Teton, Fremont, Clark, and Lemhi Counties

PO Box 2462, Idaho Falls, ID 83403

Phone: 208-243-0952

Email: namiuppervalley@aol.com
