About Recovery and Resiliency


You can recover from mental health and substance use conditions. Recovery means you can have hope, change and live your best life possible. People in recovery learn how to build on their strengths and develop supportive relationships. IBHP members have access to Magellan employees and others in the community who are in recovery and use their lived experience to help you. See the Covered Services and Care Management sections of this website.


Resiliency is important for people and families dealing with mental health or substance use concerns. Resiliency means having the strength to overcome and bounce back from hard things. Asking for help when you need it is a sign of strength, not weakness, and can be a valuable part of the resilience-building process.


Wellness is more than just mental or physical health. There are eight (8) parts of wellness. You can use them to take care of yourself. The Eight Dimensions of Wellness[1] were developed by Peggy Swarbrick and are:

  1. Physical: Taking care of your body through sleep, healthy eating and exercise
  2. Emotional: Understanding and managing your feelings effectively
  3. Social: Building positive relationships, support systems and connections with others
  4. Intellectual: Continuously learning and challenging your mind
  5. Environmental: Caring for the world around you and living in a place and way that supports your wellbeing
  6. Occupational: Finding fulfillment and satisfaction in work, hobbies or volunteering
  7. Spiritual: Seeking and having a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
  8. Financial: Managing your money wisely and planning for the future.

These eight dimensions impact each other. When you improve one, another can improve. For example, feeling emotionally well can boost your social connections. Taking care of your physical health can improve your emotional wellbeing. You can have a happier and healthier life when you focus on the dimensions that are important to you. To learn more about these eight dimensions, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website at SAMHSA.gov and download Creating a Healthier Life: A Step-By-Step Guide to Wellness.

[1] Swarbrick, Margaret. (2012). Swarbrick, M. (2012). A Wellness Approach to Mental Health Recovery. In Recovery of People with Mental Illness: Philosophical and Related Perspectives. Abraham Rudnick,(ed). Oxford Press.